About College
Since its affiliation with the University of Delhi in 1992, NHMC&H has taught 100 students in batches of five and a half years of undergraduate BHMS courses, as well as three years of postgraduate MD (Hom) courses in three different disciplines: Organon of Medicine, Practice of Medicine, and Materia-Medicca, which has three batches of postgraduate students each. Since then, the organization has made significant progress in bringing fresh perspectives to homoeopathic education in this nation. The hospital’s college is connected to the outside patient department, which has 100 beds indoors, and which offers basic investigative facilities in addition to curative, preventive, and promotional homoeopathic health care services. The public can use all of the institution’s amenities for free.
With an outstanding collection of medical literature, the College has one of the best libraries. The library offers enough reading rooms for graduate and undergraduate students to study in, and it has air conditioning. There are a lot of books and journals in it. Its internet feature allows readers to stay up to date on global medical advancements. Additionally, the library now includes five computers. This has given faculty members and postgraduate students a special kind of educational support.
Contact Details
PHONE Nos. – +91-11- 24334225
FAX – +91-11-24330803
EMAIL- principalnhmc@gmail.com