Merchant Homoeopathic Medical College

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About College

Founded in 2000, the Merchant Homeopathic Medical College is a private college located in Mehsana. With an annual intake of 100 seats, the college is associated with Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan, located in Gujarat.

Established by Shri Merchant Charitable Trust (MCT), Merchant Homeopathic Medical College (MHMC) is housed on the Merchant Education Campus, which is located in Basna between the Mehsana and Visnagar Highways. The distances between Merchant Homeopathic Medical College (MHMC) and Mehsana are 6 km and 12 km, respectively.

There is a library with around 2,000 volumes of foreign and Indian print works. Our collection is updated on a regular basis and now contains exclusive books on every homoeopathic subject that are rarely found in the market. Numerous national and international journals are available for subscription at the Institute Library. The library is open to students during college hours.

Every department is linked to a local area network (LAN) and has access to computers and printing resources of its own. The Institute offers internet access as well. Via the PCs in the computer lab, students can access the internet.

Contact Details

Merchant Education Campus,
Mehsana – Visnagar Highway
Basna, Mehsana – 384315
Ph: 9422287258 (K Z Patil)





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