Ibn-E-Sina Tibbiya College & Hospital

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About College

IBN-E-SINA TIBBIAY COLLEGE & HOSPITAL , recognized by the Central Council of Indian Medicine and affiliated to V.B.S Purvanchal University Jaunpur, is a well known minority institution imparting education in Unani Medicine and Surgery. It conducts Kamil-e-Tib-o-Jarahat, B.U.M.S.  course as prescribed by the C.C.I.M. IBN-E-SINA TIBBIAY COLLEGE & HOSPITAL is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, colour or sex and draws students form all corners of the country.

The spacious library with requisite furniture and a reading room provides the right environment for students to enrich their knowledge by studying the books written by eminent authors – both national and international – and also by browsing reputed national and international journals, magazines, etc. The library is well-stacked with more than 12075 books and 1595 Medical journals.

Hostel facility is available for both boys and girls in separate accommodation. After gettng admission in the college, students will have to apply for the Hostel seats in prescribed application form available on payment. Strict disciplines are to be maintained in the Hostel. Hostel is under the charge of teaching faculty duly authorized for the purpose with a view to keep vigilant for all round maintenance of discipline.

Courses Offered: Ibn-E-Sina Tibbiya College & Hospital impart education through a 5 ½ year degree course in Homoeopathy that is Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery(BUMS). The duration of BUMS programme will be about 4 ½ years + one year compulsory internship. The total number of seats for BUMS is 50.

Contact Details

Beenapara, Saraimeer Azamgarh
Phone : (91) 9450738768
Email : istchbp.azamgarh@yahoo.co.in


Uttar Pradesh



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