National Institute of Unani Medicine

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About College

Since its founding in 2004, the National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM) in Bangalore has operated as an independent institution within the Government of India’s Ministry of AYUSH. The goal of this institute is to serve as a model for postgraduate education, research, training, and the Unani System of Medicine.

Academic buildings, hospital buildings, libraries, pharmacies, administrative buildings, herb gardens, animal houses, guest houses, indoor game halls, hostels, residential blocks, and a number of other buildings are currently located on the campus.

The institute’s hospital features a 180-bed IPD with separate wards for male and female patients, as well as an OPD wing. Health huts are also available for patients who require better facilities and complete privacy on a pay basis. Patients from general and specialty outpatient departments (OPDs) with conditions related to the musculoskeletal, skin and cosmetic, gastrointestinal, hepato-biliary, neurological, psychiatric, geriatric, and lifestyle disorders are offered clinical treatments. Additionally, patients receive advice on dietary plans tailored to individual situations. In addition, family planning services and antenatal care are offered by the Obstetrics and Gynecological Disorders Unit. The hospital has a reputable facility for rehabilitative rehabilitation. It is a unique form of care in which the management is done using non-pharmaceutical therapeutic modalities (such as Hijama, Dalk, Hammam, Nutool, and many more).

Contact Details

National Institute of Unani Medicine
Kottigepalya, Magadi Main Road,
Bengaluru – 560091 Karnataka State, INDIA
Reception No : +91 80 23584260
Hospital : +91 80 23588745
E-mail :
Fax No : +91 80 23584180

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